Everything goes fast these days.
I mean…
It’s 2020 after two months!
The technology jumped from 2G to 4G, and people these days no longer prefer to follow the usual stereotypes that were once mandatory.
To that end, Instagram is no different.
It is changing day in and out.
And, with the aim of making its user’s life easier, the Instagram company brought out ‘Nametags’ into its bandwagon of features a year ago, that soon became a go-to alternative for brands to promote themselves on the platform.
Cutting down on the stereotype complexity of typing in long usernames in the search bar, Instagram Nametags were wholeheartedly welcomed by users all around the world.
Read More- How to Use Instagram Nametags for Marketing in 2019?
Following the release of this feature, Instagram users only needed to scan the Nametags within the app, after which Instagram immediately leaded them to a screen where they could either view the profile or follow it.
Nametags are more a like a unique code that Instagram assigned to its each user that other users can easily scan within the Instagram app and view or follow them on the platform.
However, as per reports, Instagram is currently thinking of renaming its Nametags feature and altering it to Instagram “QR Code”.

Instagram Nametags will soon be QR Code!
According to reverse engineer Jane Manchung Wong, users would soon notice the change the “Nametags” altered to “QR Code” within their Instagram app.
Having said that, it is presumed that the alteration is taking place because Instagram is planning to change the functionality of its ‘Nametag’ feature and make it, even more, user-friendly.
As outlined by QRCodePress, “The new Instagram QR Code Nametag would work with a standard QR scanner. What makes the potentially new Nametag feature interesting is that the QR code would work with a standard scanner. Presently, the Nametag system does not work with these scanners. This means that an Instagram user must scan the tag with the Instagram app to access the profile to which the Nametag is linked.”
Bottom line- Following the mentioned alterations, it would be possible for Instagram users to scan other Nametags via a standard scanner too.
Jane further mentioned in her Tweet (that she posted two days later), that users would additionally notice ‘Animated Instagram Nametags’ within their Instagram app.

Instagram’s Animated Nametags
The Animated Nametags would keep on flipping on its own with two sides- one showing the username, while the other showing the QR Code that other users could scan to follow or view someone’s profile.
It is quite probable that the features would go live in a month or two, yet Instagram didn’t mention any exact date of when it would go live.
By the way, what do you think about these recent initiatives?
Do you think that Instagram could have made it better?
Let me know in the comments section about your views and suggestions.
And please share if you liked this article.
Till then?
See you next time!