It’s not quite long when I wrote about Instagram’s ‘Gradient Direct Thread Themes’ that was being tested on the official Instagram app.
First and foremost, for those who are new on the blog, you must be wondering…
What was “Gradient Direct Thread Theme” on Instagram?
And what did it exactly do?
So basically…it was a feature in the testing pool that changed the color of the incoming messages as the user proceeded in their direct chats.
The starting messages could be in green.
While as one proceeds further, they might change to blue.
Then to Red.
And so on…
On the other hand, the messages that YOU sent were as usual in regular grey.
Although the feature didn’t roll out globally, Instagram definitely carried its inspiration which could be seen in its currently tested feature that resonates with it to a great extent in terms of functionality.
Read More- Instagram testing Gradient Direct Threads Theme!
The company is currently testing to add a ‘color’ option that would enable Instagram users to select chat colors in their Instagram Direct chats.