There has been so much hype about Instagram hiding like counts.
And if I have to name an Instagram news following the massive privacy scandal of Facebook that aired the most on YouTube channels and tech blogs, it would defintely be – Instagram decision of Hiding Likes Count.
Instagram received a massive pat on the back by people all around the globe for the initiative it took to lessen the herd mentality and encourage users to share things that they admire.
While the positive aspects took it to a lot of appraisals, the negatives also came along as a few thought it would barren their sources of income.
Although Instagram announced that it would soon find some ways to tackle such concerns, it did not made it clear how it would do so.
Till then, Ad companies and influencers would have to resort to other aspects like followers and screenshot of engagement rates to build mutual relationships and get their business going.
But it’s indeed a fact that hiding like counts is going to create the whole Instagram experience more organic and real.
To that end, it would make people feel less inclined to delete a post whenever it does not measure up to a specific limit of likes that they thought it would.
Hence, ultimately turning Instagram into a much less of a fame contest.
Moreover, it would cut down things aspects like panic and anxiety, depression, isolation, sleep quality and negative influence on body image that users used to endure as per reports.
And since it rollout globally, Instagram is now testing to vibrate when a user likes a post.
The feature was discovered by Jane Manchun Wong, a reverse engineer from Hong Kong, who as a passion searches for unreleased features within popular applications such as Facebook, Instagram, etc.

According to Jane Wong, if Instagram rolls it out, it would send a short pulse of vibration that is aimed to give Instagram users a similar satisfaction and sensation when they like a post on the platform.
She justifies it mentioning- “It should fill users in the emotional void from hiding the like count.”
Furthermore, it is expected that Instagram would provide it as an opt-in feature that users can turn off in case they do not prefer to feel the affect of this feature.
Moreover, let’s say if a user put their phone on silent, the app would respect your phone’s settings, and I can say for sure that users would not feel any vibration (until they turn off the silent setting).
There are currently not any official announcements yet about when it would release, the step seems to cover up the emotional void that aired all-around post its decision to hide like counts on Instagram.
By the way, how do you see this step?
Do you think it would be able to fill the concerns of users with satisfaction who were unhappy with ‘hiding like counts’?
Let me know in the comments down below about views and suggestions.
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